life Schreiadler: Further species

Improving habitats for more bird species

In addition to the three target species (spotted eagle, corncrake and aquatic warbler), other bird species also benefit from the planned project activities, some of them even highly endangered.
The Black Stork is the old friend or neighbor of the Lesser Spotted Eagle. Especially the highly structured forests which are rich on water are quite to its taste. Often black storks nest in the immediate neighborhood of Lesser Spotted Eagles or sometimes even use their nests.
Spotted Crake, Bluethroat, Common Snipe, Water Rail and Lapwing all benefit from the restoration of wet sedges bogs. All these species have the breeding and foraging on ground in common. But always in conjunction with adequate moisture, which guarantees an abundant food supply. The bird of the year 2013 - the snipe, contributes a special atmosphere in the evening through its characteristic "bleating". Many older people still name it "heavens goat".
The white stork is expected to benefit, together with the lesser spotted eagle from a wider range of mown meadows. Both species have an almost identical diet and often meet on the hunt.

Black storck (Foto: Carsten Rohde)
Spotted crake (Foto: Cezary Korkosz)
Common snipe (Foto: Martin Grimm)
Bluethroat (Foto: Cezary Korkosz)
Water rail (Foto: John Wright)
Lapwing (Foto: Martin Grimm)
White stork
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